


    The main kitchen
 In the main kitchen there should be a hand sink at the door with a soap dispenser so that you can wash your hands as you come in the door and hand towels to dry them before you start to prepare any food
The kitchen should have a main outside door and a screen at the door to stop flies from getting in.

There should be a door leading to the  servery mark exit only where you should only use to take foods to the serving area and one mark
entrance only where you enter the kitchen with the empty pans. This is to avoid accidents and anyone  from getting burn with hot food.

The main kitchen is where the hot side is located or where the main cooking is done. You have the stoves, fridges, steam kettle, deep fat fryer prep area for the starches and vegetables you also have the walk-in chiller and the walk-in freezer.

There also should be a cold prep area where you can prep cold salads
thing that would carry mayonnaise and easily cause food borne sickness like salmonella

Stainless steel tables should be use as they are easier to clean and lighter to move.

The meat room should also be air condition to stop bacteria from forming
There should be two deep  sinks  one to  prep the meat in and another to season it in .Never no matter what never  mix fish and poultry. Always use different cutting boards for different meats.  Yellow for chicken brown for fish.

After preparation the food should be put directly on the servaery or there should be a hot box where you can store the food so that it can be kept hot and at the right temperature.

The walls and the floors can be tile for easy cleaning as well as to give the kitchen a light look. .When buying tiles always buy the none skid one that when they get wet there would be no accidents, the lighten should be bright enough so that you would not have to strained your eyes 

There should be at least two fire blankets, two fire hoses and one should have hot water for washing down the kitchen, two fire extinguishers these should be check periodically to make sure that they are working.